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Outgoing Exchange Students Scholarship

1學海飛颺/學海惜珠獎助學金   Outgoing Exchange Students Scholarship

1補助類型 Types:

學海惜珠計畫:清寒學生適用  for financially disadvantaged students

學海飛颺計畫:一般學生適用 for regular students

1申請對象 Eligibility

有意出國攻讀雙學位,或是海外姊妹校研習一學期(一學年),且具中華民國國籍之本校生。Students interested in pursuing a joint dual-degree abroad or studying for one semester (one academic year) at a partner Institutions, and who hold the citizenship of the Republic of China (ROC) are eligible.

1申請文件 Application Documents

1.學海飛颺/惜珠申請表  Application form

2.個人研習計畫 Study plan

3.校內歷年成績單 Transcript / Official Grade Report

4.班/系排名表 ranking

5.英文語言證明 English Language Proficiency Certificate

6.推薦信 Letter of recommendation

7.申請學海惜珠計畫之學生,需另檢附持有效低收入戶證明(地方行政主管機構開立) Students who apply 學海惜珠計畫 ,need to submit local government low income family certificate